Saturday, June 7, 2008


Ahhh! We did it! We ran 6 miles and changed our name! :)

The six miles were accomplished in one hour and twenty-three minutes, four minutes quicker than we were supposed to, but fifteen minutes longer than last week. The humidity was crazy today, the haze thicker than I've seen in years, summer's finally here. We all made it back alive! Sweaty, but alive!

Today was also the first day we needed to eat while running. Since your body burns energy, you need to put some back in while running. Common practice is 100 calories every 45 minutes or so. At mile three I tried my first pack of Goo. I could handle the vanilla taste, but it was very Survivor-esque to have a glob of slime on my tongue and swallow it. Running in 100% humidity, swallowing slime - I don't want to know what's next. But ya gotta keep going and follow the rules! I'll try my beans next week.

And, our team name was changed! One of our gals got bumped up a group so now we're Fabulicious! I'm groovy with that, it's a little silly which is good. L thought that one up a few weeks ago, C suggested it today. We all like it, so there it is.

That's all for now! Exciting times! I'm off! Zip-a Zip-pah!

1 comment:

RichFam said...

Hey Susan!

It's Michelle Richardson. I am so sorry for not keeping up with you better! Things just get so crazy... but even then it is no excuse, and I know it. Please forgive my faults...

Just know that at least today (and hopefully more often) I was thinking about you and praying for you...

Love and miss you!
Michelle <><