Friday, May 30, 2008

I run and I pack heat

So, I've run my two maintenance runs this week, both when I have been sooo tired. It's 8:00 p.m. by the time I get out the door, but I do this because I have to - I'll end up killing myself if I only run on Saturdays, right?

Tuesday night two thoughts ran through my head. One, don't run on trash night anymore. It's just too funky, and with the summer coming, it'll only get worse! :P Two, this more an emotion than a thought, at one point I felt like laughter after crying. I think I was so tired and depleted, that equaled the crying part, but the run was the refreshing, put life back into you, laughter part. Now it's not exactly like that, but similar. Hold onto that for future exhausted evenings, I thought to myself.

Well, two nights later, last night, I lugged myself out of the house at the same hour. I did my mile in the usual 13 minutes and then I hear a rrrrmmm, rrrrmmm noise from an obnoxious truck. I turn the corner to go down an alley and I was thinking of my cry/laughter feeling from the other night - it was kicking in a bit earlier than previously. I got to an intersection and I see a pick up truck going the same speed as me down the road I just turned off of. That didn't set well with me. I hot tailed it home. I didn't want to end up in some truck at the end of this alley, you see. The guy may have been reaching for his coffee for all I know, thus going slowly, but I'd rather be safe than sorry. Blurg. Now I have to consider going to the gym... or carrying a shotgun, as my friend suggested. Put a bumper sticker on my bum that reads, "I run and I pack heat" (a la "I'm pro-life and I vote" etc.). :) At least she got me laughing about it. Ahh, laughter after stress - nice!

Tomorrow's five miles - calling for 80 temps and rain. More 'bout that later! :)

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Our First Group Run

Saturday morning I left the house and listened to "The Boys" (a.k.a. Carbon Leaf) on the way to the park. I was jazzed because of the music, the slightly cool, non-wet, non-humid weather, the upcoming four mile run (my first ever), and meeting my running group. Of course, a crowd had already gathered at our meeting spot.

All of the runners were placed in groups, A (being the fastest), B, C,... I and four other gals are in F. As in "Fabulicious," said one running partner. We decided to do a 3:2 pace, so I suggested the group name "32 Flavors". The jury's still out on the name. Group name aside, we had a good run! It was a beautiful day and a fun course; we got to see yard sales, the Farmer's Market, and Downtown Easton before the hustle and bustle of Memorial Day Weekend. We ran past one restaurant and the smell of bacon wafted out of the windows... oh, to stop and have a cup of coffee! but the finish line was less than a mile away! We got the the park at "Five Corners" and we - well, I - was tempted to jump in the fountain to celebrate! 53:08 was our four mile time. :) Our running coach lovingly told us strongly that we ran quicker than we were supposed to. Just now, I figured out that we were 5 minutes faster than we should have been. Oh well, I'm sure we'll be 5 mins slower sometime, so we won't worry too much.

After it all, I noticed my feet throbbing a bit, but that's normal, huh? No other aches or pains - yippee! I am a little apprehensive about adding a mile a week, but I am excited to someday say, "oh yeah, I ran 7 miles last weekend" and just kinda shrug it off. That would be neat.

As always, I'll keep you posted on me and my group Fabulicious or 32 Flavors or The Funky Females. Whatever we decide on, I hope we just have fun. :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Timed Run

I've tried to write two blogs already about this dumb timed run. I did it in 40:27, about 13 mins a mile. Not great. Not horrible. It is what it is.

I have nothing witty or wonderful to say. I can happily say I'm in a group of three other gals, and I think things will be great with them. The three miles we ran on Saturday slipped away because we were talking and laughing and having fun. I know one through Henry's class, one I met on Saturday and one I have still yet to meet. I'm sure we'll have a good time together.

For some reason, I'm just not jazzed. I've tried to figure out why, but no can do. No light bulb or ah-ha moments. It'll be good to get out on the 24th and run with these chickies, see how we do, how we mesh, where we'll run for four miles.

I'm at 65% my fund-raising goal, about 85% of what I need to raise. If you're reading this and want to contribute, please click on the link in the upper left hand corner. If you're reading this and don't want to/can't contribute, you're just like me with PBS, so consider yourself in good company. Some day I will call with my credit card number, however, even if it's for $15 (my usual donation amount to the Cancer Fund and the American Vets).

That's all for now. At least the Blog has been updated. Hopefully my mood will pep up soon, too.

Monday, May 5, 2008


Group Run Number One under my belt!

As I looked at my new sports watch on Saturday at 5:49 a.m., I thought, "This is serious." I don't get out of bed weekdays this early, but our trainers suggested we get up and do our normal morning routines so our bodies are awake for the 7 a.m. run. PB on a bagel, a few sips of coffee, my vitamins, some OJ, checked my emails - lovely. The kiddlywinks were waking as I was slipping out the door; hubby extraordinaire sending well wishes as he pour himself some joe.

I turned up The Newsboys as I drove the five or so minutes to the park. A bunch of gals had gathered already, some in shorts, running skorts, pants, sleeveless, short-sleeved and long-sleeved shirts, and/or jackets; the clothing needs were as uncertain as some of us felt. We heard some announcements from our fearless leader, Amy, and we sorted ourselves into 1, 2, and 3 mile groups. The gals I knew best went to the 3 mile group while I stuck to the familiar 2 mile distance.

The gals in my group had a range of experience, and perhaps I was on the declining side of this bell curve (which gave me a bit of an internal boost). We started out around the track for our warm up and I spoke with a former high school runner, Kim. When we all got going for the actual run, Kim "the gazelle" I called her, pranced away. A bit quicker than the rest of us, she darted straight when she should have gone left. "What's her name? Call after her!" one of the gals suggested. For the question, I offered the name, "Jen." A co-runner hollered for "Jen" (aka Kim), but she didn't turn around. Another member of our band said she would catch up with the gazelle, and we should continue on the correct course. So, I started running with this willing-to-holler-co-runner. She introduced herself as Jen. A few minutes later, I realized the gazelle's name is KIM! and the gal I was currently running with is Jen! OH, I what an idiot! Jen and I chuckled a bit about this, and then I told her, "well, they both have three letters. My brain works like that a bit". As the words fell out of my mouth, I wanted to hide! I felt like Rainman! Would this self mortifying event ever end?

Well, by then, one mile was done. The real Jen and I ran the rest of the way together, talking about our kids and our lack of experience. We were panting a bit more than we should have, but in the end - we clocked in at 25 minutes. I was pretty happy about that. And I was happy to see Gazelle Kim waiting at the park for us. I apologized and everyone was OK with my slip up. I knew I certainly would have lost my job on the Pony Express or as Paul Revere for such an error. "The Orange Coats are coming, the Orange Coats are coming!"
"Uh, Paul (Paula), whom, pray tell, are the Orange Coats?"
"I thought I saw orange coats, no? Pink? Red? maybe red? I know it was in that color family..."

Well, all's well that ends well. My friend Christina (a 3 mile mama) and I were done by 8:00 and we could go see our boys in their third tball game. Next week, maybe I'll be in the three mile loop. I'll be on the incline of that bell curve for experience, but the week after we're being timed for 3 miles - I've got to get my groove on!