Saturday, August 16, 2008

Keep Movin 4Ward

Indeed I did! For 14 miles, 3 hours 14 minutes! I can't believe it. I just assumed I could, my knee was fine and I was with my Fabulicious gals, how could I go wrong?

7:00 we started, heading out Oxford Road and snaking through lovely neighborhoods - I found a house I love! We were in good spirits and the weather was in our favor, cool with a breeze. I couldn't even tell you specifics - 14 minutes and change for the 1st mile, 12 and change for the second... overall just less than 14 minute miles. I am just thankful to have done it in less than 4 hours, even better less than 3:30, and better still less than 3:15 - and that's 14 miles, we only have to do 13.1 on race day!

It was getting a bit long, I will admit. I remember saying around mile 8ish that I was getting tired, but no sleep till Brooklyn, baby - gotta keep rockin'. In the first half of our run, one of our coaches told us to slow down, and I broke out into the old New Edition song, "You've got to slow it down, ooooh watch out!" I'm the team singer, I guess. Nutcase? Whatever. If you can't laugh, really!

So we knew that there was going to be a shindig at the park at the end of our run, our families were invited and we always have postrun snackies (fruit, cheese, etc.). But, Honey, I tell you what - this was a par-tay! Balloons, banners, cheering, two huge tables of food and kid and runner friendly drinks. It was wonderful! Before we got there, our one teammate's family met us at the corner and her son ran with her. Then our other teammate's daughter joined us and the now six of us ran to the finish line. I finally spotted my family - Derek with camera in hand (a man after my own heart!), Henry with a juice box, and Katie who screamed "Mommieeee!" and ran into my arms! How awesome! I had no idea what that kind of welcome would mean to me! SO, so nice! I received my very own medal for finishing, and after the congratulatory hugs and kisses, Derek hands me a small square box. Inside, a small black velvet bag. Inside, a silver ring that he had engraved "Keep Movin 4Ward".

Now, this ring means a lot to me. I'm not going to get into all of it, but I'll say that Derek is a good man. He knows when to listen to me and when to ignore me. Besides the obvious implications, the expression "keep moving forward" is from the kids' movie "Meet the Robinsons" which is a movie I LOVE. The second time I watched it I was going to point out the part at the end that made me cry, but I couldn't because I was boo-hooing again - a trademark stamp of approval of a good movie for me. Derek and I just celebrated our 13th anniversary and he made all sorts of analogies in my card of running and life together, and this very thoughtful ring just pulls all those threads together. He made very good points today, not that I keep 'em, but if I did he got a bunch. PLUS, he rubbed my feet at the celebration. How good can life be?

The whole after-run fun time was all sorts of feel good happy times for me. Henry ran and played by himself with his friends, Kate ran between the playground and us - and it was all OK because so many people were around and watching out for them and each other. Everyone was happy, the weather was unbelievable, and it was such a happy, good for you, you rock sort of time. These folks that we've seen every Saturday since May, happy and sweaty and glad to have kicked out 14 miles (full marathoners did 18!). A beautiful, wonderful time. :)

Came home, ate lunch, showered - ahhhh!, slept 2.5 hours, ate extraordinary burgers from the grill, tomato and basil salad, and corn on the cob, got the kids to bed, and am now writing this blog. Derek is folding laundry and watching Brit Wit. I think we'll crack open a heffeweizen each and finish our British shows together. A great way to end a great, great day. :)

PS - This day may even mean more to me than the actual race day. I may be wrong, but I'm a Thanksgiving kind of girl. Thanksgiving is under-rated compared to Christmas - too much hub bub and the meaning gets lost; Thanksgiving is more of the real deal. The real deal for me was running for Easton through Easton with friends from Easton - that's what made this top notch. The beach will be nice, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if I need the 'formality' of it now. Give me authentic good times with friends, feet up on the tree with Lori, hugs for and from Amy and Susan L., seeing Christina give my kids and hers chocolate chip cookies because she loves 'em. That's what I'm talkin' bout. :] sniff!


The Worsnups said...

Congrats, Suse!!!! Love the Robinson's too!!!! Glad you had a GREAT day!! I'm so happy for you and Derek! You made me choke up!

RichFam said...

I am soooo proud of you!
Miss you bunches!!!

chevygirl54 said...

Hi Suz, you are such an inspiration to me! I am so darn proud of you! In fact I think I will donate more!!) Your writings are wonderful, what a beautiful family you have! I am so glad you have Derek's support. You are so lucky. Congrats on the run and keep going! Love & miss you.

Valerie said...

Dear Sue, This posting made me SO happy! I am so proud of you. And I am so joyful that Derek celebrated all that you are, and are doing, in such a deeply meaningful way. That is the best 13th anniversary present imaginable. Congratulations, hugs, and all continued happiness. Love you!