Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wow, I'm a blogger and a runner!

A big day in history for me!

So, yes, I've decided to run the Va Beach 1/2 Marathon on August 31 - dead of summer and even more South than I am now - not to mention more humid? maybe? Ocean breezes are a possibility - let's think positively!

I can only walk/run 2 miles right now, although, I guess I haven't allowed myself to try more than 30 minutes for fear of 'over doing it' (that's the Couch Potato in me). Tonight I will run (walk/run - jog actually) on the old treadmill again. I usually do a 17 minute mile including the 5 minutes walking warm up. Listen, as long as I get across the finish line, I'm happy. Oh, and the $1,000 I need to raise in order to do so! (Did I mention this is all to raise money for Henry's school's before and after school program, Easton ROCKS.) As I'd say in college, I again say now - but not just to my parents! - "Send money, please!"

Our first timed event is May 17th, a 5K, so I do have some time to get more acclimated and pick up more mileage. Part of me is scared silly! I know I'm not alone. And the method of training seems solid, I've already transitioned from week one to week two of their version of "Couch to 5K" and it was easy. Derek, of course, can do all this in his sleep, but he had to start out some place. He is hugely supportive, and it's nice to talk to him about what I'm experiencing, learning, etc. It's nice to be able to share this with him.

I swore I would never run; I never had any interest in it. I couldn't imagine why. Just why would someone run? You can sit inside and not sweat. I can't explain why I want to do this... a friend mentioned wanting to do the 1/2 Marathon training and asked if I was thinking of it. I'm sure my answer was as simple and direct as "Nope." The flier came home from Henry's school the next day, and, like in the movies, all of my focus and attention went to the spot on the slick heavy duty paper that simply says "The Virginia Beach Rock-n-Roll Half Marathon, May 3, Race Day is August 31". I put the paper down, but had to pick it up again; my eyes shot right back to that spot. That's happened one other time in my life, and it all worked out, in aces. That experience (teaching) was a God thing. I'm supposing this adventure is going to be, too.


Valerie said...

Sue, I'm so excited to be the first to comment your blog! You are taking two amazing steps with this venture: into the worlds of writing and running (they are very compatable: I often spend my running time "writing" in my head, and come home full of
stuff that demands to be put to paper). Congratulations! You are so right that the first steps are the hardest, but when you have motivation/inspiration/divination, you can do anything. So, how is your body feeling? How are you finding the time to run? A half marathon sounds like an ambitious but realistic goal. I'm proud of you! Now, run, Sue, run!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the relentless pursuit of forward motion! If you can chase Katie and Henry all day, you'll have NO problem with VA Beach! I'm very proud of you!

mom said...

Hi Sue. I'm so proud of you!! We all are! Wow, what an amazing family I have! First Derek, now you! I know that this isn't easy, we have similar comfort zones, but you can do it! Now get out there and run, Susan, run!